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How Hotjar drove 300+ beta users with an in-app signup

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Feature launch
Sarah Lang-Rybicka
Product Marketer

About Hotjar

Hotjar equips product teams with Product Experience Insights, showing them how users behave and what they feel strongly about, so those teams can deliver real value.

🎯 The challenge

Launching a product is one thing, but getting people excited about it? Now, that's a whole new ball game. Our friends at Hotjar needed a pre-launch spark to drum up beta testers, and that's where we came in.

🏆 The solution

No beating around the bush – just a quick, punchy two-step slideout. Efficiency at its finest. But they weren't satisfied with just that. Those clever Hotjar product marketers used recruitment as an opportunity to test their launch messaging on potential beta users. Crafty, right?

👀 How they did it

1. Draw attention with value 👀

In the first step of the Slideout, they used their potential launch message to highlight the value of their new feature while making it seem like the feature was already available. This encouraged users to click to the next step.

2. Gather a list of interested users

In step two, they clarified the feature was under development and allowed users to opt-in to a list to get notified when it was ready. (Pro Tip: Automatically add users who click “Get notified” to a list with Zapier or another Appcues integration.) 

Another kicker? Slideouts only take a couple of minutes to build. Can you say the same thing for the email outreach process you're currently using?

✅ Results

In less than 3 weeks, Hotjar had a whopping 300+ users hungry for beta action. No kidding! It's like building a town overnight (minus the bureaucracy🤓).


Our hot take

Bottom line—keep it simple. Two clicks turned these folks into engaged users excited about an upcoming feature. And by testing their messaging early, the Hotjar team ensured they attracted the right kind of excitement. 

✅ Lesson learned: short, sweet, and let the magic happen.

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