
5-step Growth Flow Review

Connect growth hypotheses with behavioral patterns to uncover meaningful improvements. Find an example of Dropbox Onboarding inside the template and apply it to review any growth flows in your product.

template type:

Miro board


Kate Syuma

Growth Advisor, ex-Miro Head of Growth Product Design


Note from the contributor
Throughout my past 6 years at Miro and as a part of Advisory practice, I had a chance to analyze hundreds of Growth flows while doing a competitive analysis and strategizing vision for Activation, Engagement, and Monetisation. This framework helped me link Business with User thinking to provide a holistic review which is a necessary step for any Product Development and PLG work. I hope you’ll find it useful as well!

About this template

To uncover growth opportunities, you need to revisit your product flows regularly. This framework should help you connect Business thinking (Problem, Hypothesis, WSLL) with User-Centricity (User Journey, Emotions, Behavioral principles) to uncover meaningful improvements.

How to use this template: 

  • Step 1: User Journey steps. Add screenshots of your flow — each one is a step in a user journey.
  • Step 2: Emotional scale. Assess each step of the flow with emotional scale — try to inform this assessment with real user feedback.
  • Step 3: Behavioral principles. Choose 1 behavioural principle for each problem and connect it with the hypothesis.
  • Step 4: Connect Problem + Hypothesis + Solution. Learn more how to formulate the hypotheses and connect them with solution / prediction inside the framework.
  • Step 5: Define WSLL (What Success Looks Like). Choose 1 WSLL metric and connect it with prediction.

To help you navigate this new framework, Kate applied it for Dropbox Onboarding to illustrate how it can work in a practical example. Get inspired with an example of b2b self-service onboarding and find 10  insights and improvements. 

Feel free to create your copy and use it to review any growth flows in your product!

If you found it useful and want to learn more — get in touch with Kate directly 🙌